Friday 4 September 2015

What is Counselling?

So, what is counselling?

Counselling is a valuable form of talking therapy.  It provides a safe, supportive environment where you are listened to, without being judged.  Counselling may help you to focus on a specific issue or difficulty.  It involves talking to a counsellor who supports you and encourages you to talk about how you feel about yourself and your situation, and find ways to tackle your issues/difficulties.

Everything in the counselling session is confidential.   We will only break Confidentiality if there is a threat to harm, either to you or to someone else.  However, we will discuss the situation with you before we take any action.

Counselling sessions last between 50 minutes and 1 hour. Initial agreement will be for 4 or 6 sessions – but further sessions may be agreed with the counsellor.


To enable counsellors to maintain their professional development and work in an ethical manner, they will discuss their clients with their clinical supervisor. In addition, counsellors may need to refer to a session in their personal development work or case study essay. No personal identification details will be used, only topics and issues. We will ask you for your permission before we do this:  you may wish to refuse permission, and say no.
